About MAPSearch
What is MAPSearch?
Better data for better decisions. MAPSearch offers superior GIS asset data for the energy industry– petroleum, natural gas, electric power and renewable energy.
Combining one of the leading providers of locational accuracy, comprehensive coverage, robust attribute data, and exceptional customer service, MAPSearch offers a unique data service suitable for merger analysis, project siting, system planning, investment evaluation and more. With nearly 1.1 million miles of pipeline and 825,000 miles of transmission lines, MAPSearch presents an extremely detailed view of North America’s energy infrastructure. Extensive attribute information provides asset details, giving clients a unique advantage for competitive planning. More than just mapping, MAPSearch also fields an advanced research team, ensuring that data stays current and our clients stay ahead of a fast-paced industry.
MAPSearch is the key to understanding the dynamic energy industry
For over forty years, the energy industry has repeatedly come to MAPSearch for their GIS needs. MAPSearch offers a constant relationship with clients; rather than a one time purchase, MAPSearch becomes an extension of every client’s team.
To learn more about our data, click the following links:
> Pipeline GIS Data Petroleum and Natural Gas
> Electric Power GIS Data Electric Power and Renewable Energy
> Parcel Data Parcel Boundaries and Associated Data
Comprehensive Coverage: With nearly 1.1 million miles of pipelines and over 825,000 miles transmission lines, MAPSearch offers an enormous geodatabase. Our pipeline coverage extends across North America, from the most obscure gathering system to the largest interstate pipelines. Our electric power coverage offers transmission line and substation data in both urban and rural areas. Each generating station has been accurately located and tied into the power grid. We not only include existing projects, but proposed projects and those currently under construction.
Extensive Asset Details: As important as spatial accuracy is, attribute accuracy can be even more critical. The deeper attribute information provided by MAPSearch gives our data an invaluable dimension. Unique attributes include previous owner and operator, year installed, related infrastructure, and more. For a complete list of attributes, see our pages describing each data set. > Pipeline GIS Data > Electric Power GIS Data
Research You Can Trust: We understand how important confidence, verification and sources are to our customers. That’s why we include in-depth data regarding the source, vintage, resolution and scale used to located and create each point, line segment or polygon. Our expert GIS technicians spend countless hours using the latest digital imagery to spatially adjust our data’s infrastructure.
Knowledge is power. And with MAPSearch, a competitive advantage is gained by having access to key information such as ownership or location. As a client:
- Analyze spatial relationships between assets you own or operate
- Identify M&A or divestiture opportunities
- Highlight competitive company footprints
- Assist in required government filings by identifying foreign crossings
With MAPSearch, you can visualize information in ways that reveal new relationships, patterns, and trends not visible with text files, spreadsheets or tabular databases.

Research is the foundation of our company. Effective research requires tremendous effort, determined persistence and an unyielding attention to detail.
Often people ask us where we get our data. We began over 40 years ago by digitizing thousands of paper maps, MAPSearch continues to thrive and grow daily by constantly updating our data. By staying current in a fast-paced industry, MAPSearch ensures timeliness and validity. This is all made possible by our research team.
Our research department’s advantage lies in its long-term history and association with the petroleum industry. In today’s climate of mergers, acquisitions and downsizing, there are fewer people doing more jobs. Long standing relationships with key personnel is crucial for obtaining quality information. We work with energy companies, both large and small, to obtain and verify information. We scrutinize industry trade magazines, journals, and other news sources to identify pending projects, project completions, ownership changes and other information relevant to our database. These items, in turn, initiate additional research calls.